About YShomy

In the intricate world of customization and handmade, there exists a brand that weaves together passion, creativity, and craftsmanship like no other. Welcome to YShomy, where the art of personalization comes to life in the form of delicate crochet flowers, charming jewelry, and whimsical photo gifts.

Brand Development

At the heart of our brand stands Nerissa, a crochet enthusiast whose love for the craft knows no bounds. What began as a hobby, creating tiny treasures for her daughter, soon blossomed into something much greater. Encouraged by the admiration of those around her, Nerissa embarked on a journey to share her talent with the world.

Since 2022, YShomy quickly found a home on Etsy.com, where handmade creations find their rightful place. Our crochet flowers and bouquets captured the hearts of many, spreading joy and beauty with each carefully crafted piece. As demand grew, so did our vision. Determined to reach even more souls with our handiwork, we took the leap and established our own online presence.

Today, YShomy has already become a registered brand in the US and stands as a testament to dedication and ingenuity. We've expanded our collection from crochet items to other personalized jewelry and gifts. Each item bears the mark of YShomy's creative prowess. From vibrant blooms that never wilt to adorable photo gifts that spark imagination, every item from YShomy is telling a story of love and devotion.

Meet Our Team

Currently, YShomy has grown into a global team, with offices in China, Canada and the United States.